Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 4

What get's you excited about life?

Jostlyn: Being married, realizing my life is just starting. Talking about future plans and goals. Getting new clients. Making goals realities.

Carson: My wife, my future family, my dreams!

Day 3

What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say?

Jostlyn: I have a lot of "sayings" that I love, but I didn't actually hear anyone "say" them.. so I think for this year and the thing that applies to me most is what my mom told me when I was feeling down about my work and comparing myself to others. "Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle or end." I'm just starting my life and career and have a long way to grow and progress and I should be happy I'm as far as I am :)

Carson: "Don't take a blaster into a lightsaber fight."

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 2

Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

Jostlyn: Specifically? Or general. I'm going with a general response. Other artists. Photographers. People who inspire me. It always starts out good you know. I'm being inspired by them. And sometimes it stays at a good thing. But sometimes if I linger on them too long, I feel like I'm lame and my work is lame. Blah. Just when it gets to the point where I'm close to being who I want "to be" artistically wise, I snap and realize I'm just stuck in this mode where I just keep moving forward because I have to... with the hopes of one day getting where I want to be and hopefully won't be stuck forever where I'm at right now. I fear I might always feel this way. Are all artists tortured? I don't know about that. 

Carson: My wife. She's consistently more productive than me and it makes me feel bad. I'm a naturally lazy person unfortunately and I know that. I don't know how she is able to work so hard all the time and yet still have enough of a smile on her face to tell me she loves me when we go to bed at night. She's my hero in everything that she does and the greatest example I've ever had.

Monday, August 26, 2013

365 days of thought provoking questions: He said She said style.

I found this awesome site that lists 365 thought provoking questions and I decided that's what we're going to do on our blog every single day! (and maybe fill you in on our lives too.. I've failed at that recently and life is busy and sometimes lame but sometimes exciting and I should blog more. One day I'm going to pull it all together and be one of those cute people who have a cute blog and a cute life and make people jealous. Just you wait. Until then.... haha).

Day 1: When was the last time you tried something new?

Jostlyn: I tried a new editing style last week, and I love how it turned out!

Carson: Just a couple weeks ago when I decided to quit my day job and rely on our video revenue to pay for our daily lives!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Guys... I'm sorry

You're telling me it's basically Wednesday?

I know, where did our Monday night vlog go? We let you down. We're so sorry.

We have a mini vlog we recorded for you last weekend... but never put it up. Carson got way busy filming up north on Sunday and then came back and edited all Monday and answered and wrote about 100 emails Monday for his reporting gig he has in about a week. It's been a little crazy.

I got my hair done today.. that was something exciting for me! Woo!

Um... here's what I want to do with the vlogs from now on:

After each vlog I want you guys, yes you, you right now reading this, to ask a question that you may have for us. Or maybe just a topic that you want us to talk about or cover in our vlog. It can be about anything. Leave it in the comments below or email it to us at with the subject line "vlog topic." We want to involve our readers! :) And plus, it will help keep our vlogs a little bit more interesting. We will of course post some random ones here and there throughout the week if we want, but that way, we'll get out more posts. Sound fun? Oh good. So comment below! Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Man. This blog post was going to be a grumpy one because it's that time of the month.

I won't vent. I won't do it. 

*Jostlyn, don't do it..*

Instead, I will let you gaze upon my gorgeous siblings from these photos I took today at the Memorial Day BBQ we had at my parents house. Much better eh? Oh yeah, and it's vlog Monday... err.. vlog Tuesday at 1 in the morning! haha :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Bitter feelings and Ravioli

Hmph. So there's this guy online in one of these photography groups I'm a part of on Facebook and last year he gave me crap about the equipment I was using and basically said I shouldn't be shooting weddings and that I probably wasn't very good, etc etc. Don't worry, I didn't take any of it and ripped him a new one and a lot of people who saw this particular public post stood up for me and basically called him out for bullying a 20-something year old girl and posted photos I had done and he actually did comment on them and half-apologized and said my work was good enough. Right? Right.

Since then I have upgraded my equipment significantly. That's not the point. But I have, in case you were wondering ;)

I have also taken to shooting film.. and.. I'm not too shabby at it ok? And my film camera is manual focus, and I'm pretty ok at getting it in focus. And if it's not, I can admit when I blew the focus. Right? Ok. So this same guy has started to shoot film (because, let's face it, who hasn't now). And he thinks he's a BAD A at it. Pisses me off. Because he's not. So he's been posting a lot to this film group I'm a part of on Facebook and he's posting these awful photos with awful composition and thinking they rock hardcore and saying things like "Oh, I totally nailed the focus on this one, blah blah blah" And he's slightly off on the focus.. he didn't nail it.. he's off. Anyone with clear vision could see that. RIGHT? He's just making himself look like a FOOL in front of all these really amazing film photographers with all of these posts. And I just sit back here and giggle because.. they're all probably thinking he's a little lame.

Now this makes me look like a mean bitter person. And I am. BUT! I wouldn't even CARE... only because he seriously humiliated me in front of over 800 photographers online and called me out on a post and was a jerk.

Ok. I feel better. On to positive feelings and our vlog.

We got a business loan today! Carson is buying a Canon C100! What does this mean for Roz Cinema? It means high-end videography and amazing quality! It means I'll never have to share the 5DM3 with him again! It means we are moving up in the world! It means we decided to buy that instead of a car! haha ;) We're very very very very excited for this business decision. And no, this wasn't our exciting news I posted about on Facebook.. that's a different thing. Still haven't found out if it's a go or not.

Almost 3 months later!

Wow, have I failed! I wanted to do weekly updates and that just didn't happen. I took on too much work and it really got the best of me....