Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 10

What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

Jostlyn: I can now do photography full time with no day job in the way. I can now shoot a film session properly and have it look great and in focus. uh... I can now put my hair in a bun! 

Carson: I can invest my time in more than a 9 to 5 job and school.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (it was a long weekend full of headaches and stress)

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

Jostlyn: Must I pick just one? ;) I think.. probably lying.
Carson: Don't lie

What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?

Jostlyn: Age 17? Worrying less what people thought. I think I did a pretty good job, but I wish I worried even LESS. I wish I had been more confident in myself. I wish I had had a higher self esteem back then. I wish I would have spent my senior year having more fun. 

Carson: Getting my college degree in high school so I didn't have to do it after. Impressing my future wife, Jostlyn :)

Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know?

Jostlyn: I think if I don't know enough of the given situation, I have total anxiety. So I'm always asking questions. 
Carson:  I'm always asking questions because I'll never know enough. 

Who do you love and what are you doing about it?

Jostlyn: My husband. I rub his back sometimes while he plays video games... I'm trying to make dinner more often. His love language is service oriented things, so he loves it when I make meals.. he kisses the ground I walk on if I make him a sandwich. 
Carson: My wife, and I'm cleaning the house ;)

What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?

Jostlyn: That... girls and guys can just be friends!
Carson: Video games do not make murderers. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 4

What get's you excited about life?

Jostlyn: Being married, realizing my life is just starting. Talking about future plans and goals. Getting new clients. Making goals realities.

Carson: My wife, my future family, my dreams!

Day 3

What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say?

Jostlyn: I have a lot of "sayings" that I love, but I didn't actually hear anyone "say" them.. so I think for this year and the thing that applies to me most is what my mom told me when I was feeling down about my work and comparing myself to others. "Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle or end." I'm just starting my life and career and have a long way to grow and progress and I should be happy I'm as far as I am :)

Carson: "Don't take a blaster into a lightsaber fight."

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 2

Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

Jostlyn: Specifically? Or general. I'm going with a general response. Other artists. Photographers. People who inspire me. It always starts out good you know. I'm being inspired by them. And sometimes it stays at a good thing. But sometimes if I linger on them too long, I feel like I'm lame and my work is lame. Blah. Just when it gets to the point where I'm close to being who I want "to be" artistically wise, I snap and realize I'm just stuck in this mode where I just keep moving forward because I have to... with the hopes of one day getting where I want to be and hopefully won't be stuck forever where I'm at right now. I fear I might always feel this way. Are all artists tortured? I don't know about that. 

Carson: My wife. She's consistently more productive than me and it makes me feel bad. I'm a naturally lazy person unfortunately and I know that. I don't know how she is able to work so hard all the time and yet still have enough of a smile on her face to tell me she loves me when we go to bed at night. She's my hero in everything that she does and the greatest example I've ever had.

Monday, August 26, 2013

365 days of thought provoking questions: He said She said style.

I found this awesome site that lists 365 thought provoking questions and I decided that's what we're going to do on our blog every single day! (and maybe fill you in on our lives too.. I've failed at that recently and life is busy and sometimes lame but sometimes exciting and I should blog more. One day I'm going to pull it all together and be one of those cute people who have a cute blog and a cute life and make people jealous. Just you wait. Until then.... haha).

Day 1: When was the last time you tried something new?

Jostlyn: I tried a new editing style last week, and I love how it turned out!

Carson: Just a couple weeks ago when I decided to quit my day job and rely on our video revenue to pay for our daily lives!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Guys... I'm sorry

You're telling me it's basically Wednesday?

I know, where did our Monday night vlog go? We let you down. We're so sorry.

We have a mini vlog we recorded for you last weekend... but never put it up. Carson got way busy filming up north on Sunday and then came back and edited all Monday and answered and wrote about 100 emails Monday for his reporting gig he has in about a week. It's been a little crazy.

I got my hair done today.. that was something exciting for me! Woo!

Um... here's what I want to do with the vlogs from now on:

After each vlog I want you guys, yes you, you right now reading this, to ask a question that you may have for us. Or maybe just a topic that you want us to talk about or cover in our vlog. It can be about anything. Leave it in the comments below or email it to us at with the subject line "vlog topic." We want to involve our readers! :) And plus, it will help keep our vlogs a little bit more interesting. We will of course post some random ones here and there throughout the week if we want, but that way, we'll get out more posts. Sound fun? Oh good. So comment below! Happy Wednesday!


Almost 3 months later!

Wow, have I failed! I wanted to do weekly updates and that just didn't happen. I took on too much work and it really got the best of me....