A lot has happened since my last post! He was only 1 week old! Ollie will be 3 months old in about a week and time has flown. I'll kind of give some recaps of the first 3 months! (I was a better updater on my instagram).
-I stabbed my hand on accident and now have permanent damage. Yes, I was dumb.
-We have figured out that having our groceries delivered is THE BEST THING EVER.
-Carson shot his last wedding in October
-Ollie was blessed in November
-I had a lot of work and Carson and I decided it was causing too much stress on everyone so 2018 I'm limiting my working time because it was literally taking care of Ollie until Carson got home and then working until midnight or 1am every night. So the new plan is 1 wedding per month, 4 portrait shoots per month, and taking less orders with my other job as an editor.
-Carson and I have gone on a few date nights, success!
-We adopted our dogs out to help with my anxiety and to give them the best home possible... we just couldn't give them what they needed or deserved. Watson has been adopted into a family with 11 children so we're really happy with our decision. Still waiting to hear on Piper's situation. She has gone blind so I hope she goes to a nice quiet home :)
-Ollie had his first set of shots and did quite well with them.
-We had the best Christmas with Ollie!
Oliver has done so well! He brings so much joy to us and every day we're constantly saying how proud we are of him and amazed at his progression. We literally have the best baby! His last doctor appointment he weighed in at 15 lbs 1 oz (11.5 weeks old) and 24.5 inches. He's in the 86-87% for weight and height and 99% on his head haha! Probably why he's so smart, he's got big brains! We have been referred to physical therapy though because his had is flat on one side and the doctor is wanting to prevent a stiff neck or helmet, so we're going in January. He currently eats 6oz every 3-4 hours and sleeps in his own crib for 10ish hours a night! That's been going on a few weeks now and it's been heavenly. We bathe him about 8pm (which he LOVES the bath, he's starting to really splash and go wild in there) and then let him play for a bit and feed him and he goes down around 9-9:30pm and wakes up around 8-9am. He sleeps in his zen sleep swaddle with a humidifier and his dock a tot (with the owlet and nanit so we can monitor him since we're downstairs). He then wakes with big smiles and about an hour or 2 later goes back down for a nap and has a few cat naps throughout the day! He is such a talker and laugher, especially with dad. He loves his toys from Christmas and has really good hand control so he can push buttons to make them work. He smiles and is so proud when he can make the toys make noise or do whatever they're supposed to do. He is getting better neck control with tummy time. I can't believe 3 months has flown by! I'm a little sad about it, but each new milestone is so fun with him too!
I'll try to update more frequently now that life is more calm and a little more predictable :)

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