So. Being married!
Is great. It is.
But, dang! It's work!
We've been married just over a month now :) It's been a good month as well. We've gotten the living room of our house pretty much done.. just need to hang some things up still. Carson's office/computer room is coming together too! We finally got him a red futon to go with his bright blue wall. We'll have to post pictures soon... when we have everything put together.
We had a dinner for our friends that helped so much with the wedding and that went really well! I made mashed potatoes for the first time, and also made corn, gravy, salad, rolls, and steak! (Carson made the steak, he's pro). We also had some virgin daiquiris after dinner (which I made, I'm so pro). We played a game of Yahtzee, which Seth won. Beginners luck is all I have to say.
We went to our new ward; the young married couples ward. It's such a great ward too... everyone is so nice and welcoming. I can't wait to go every week! We couldn't go today because Carson was sick :( He has the flu... no fun I tell you! I made him soup tonight though, so he should be gettin' better soon ;)
Today was the Super Bowl! Carson and I went over to my mom's house and had a par-tay! She really went all out on the food and decorations. It made it a whole lot more fun. Carson was feeling a bit better so he was able to eat all the yummy food. I swear I had a million mini cheesecake cups that I gained 5 lbs tonight. About halftime though he was feeling sick again, so we left... We don't have cable at our house, so we found out through the internet who won. GIANTS! We were happy :) I guess back at my mom's house, they were all cheering about the results. They were cheering so loudly that Maggie and Millie started cheering and freaking out but of course they had no clue why haha. It was a lot of fun.
I have too many blogs that I have to keep updated I decided. On my personal blog, I'm doing a 365 day challenge. Each day I take a picture of myself and write about my day and answer 4 of the same questions for each day such as what I was glad I did that day, who I saw, what I wished I would have done and what I was grateful for that day. If you'd like to check it out, here's a link --> click me!
Here's some pics of the party!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
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Almost 3 months later!
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I like your super bowl party. Your mom is so fun.