One more for the night:
I cut my hair, as you know. But I cut it even shorter now.
Dilemma: I got awesome photos done this weekend, but with my older haircut. SOOO.... I'll post some photos by the awesome David Terry (click his name!) and also the one I took with my webcam on my computer of the new haircut. It's the shortest I've ever had it, and the shortest it's been in like 15 years... so it's a big deal!
It was a lot of fun working with him, as well as Scott Myler (you can click his name too!) and Pete Hansen (click his name as well). I brought Ciera with me and we all had lunch at 25 Main and took photos around Main Street. It was a lot of fun getting to know the photographers as well as getting out of my comfort zone (which is behind the camera, not in front).
Here's the updated hair. David Terry joked that the photos were outdated and I needed another photo shoot now... haha. I think I'll keep this hair for a while though :)
A little more spunk to it :) Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
8 Weeks of Marriage Bliss!
I love Carson.
Yep, I said it.
Life is stressful. It's even more stressful if your spouse is. well. one of those unhelpful, uncaring types. (Psh, yeah that's why you don't marry those types right?) It's surprising how people can change once you get married. For me? Carson just got BETTER than he was.
And I mean, he was a pretty good guy (I married him, didn't I?)
And now that we're married, I am more stressed out than I ever have been (excluding when I was going to school with 3 jobs and planning a wedding) but Carson makes me feel like I'm the best ever. And let's face it, I can be a mess sometimes. Ok, fine, a lot of the times.
-I hardly get ready in the morning these days and he makes me feel like I'm the prettiest girl around.
-When I'm super stressed about a test, deadline, getting shoots edited on time, he's massaging my back and asking if he can get me anything.
-He makes my lunch every day and brings it to me at work so I can have it "fresh" instead of in a lunch box sitting for hours.
-He fills up the gas in my car before I go to work if I'm low.
-He never forgets to pray with me before bed, even if he plans on staying up later.
-We're selling his car so I can get a new camera. He'll be driving a scooter soon. Woo!
-He can ALWAYS tell when I'm sad or worried about something. It helps, knowing that he is aware of my slightest mood change, and is wanting to help me through anything.
-He is constantly saying he's glad he married me and that we are together.
Today, we had a couple coming over for "Guess Who's Coming Over to Dinner?" It's something our young married couple ward does. They have people sign up to "attend" or "host" and they mix it all up so neither knows who is coming over or where they're going. It's a good way to meet people in the ward. I had signed us up to host. I had to work until 3, so I had Carson get the chicken in the crock pot earlier. I had told him I could do the rest, and that we'd clean the front rooms and guest bathroom and get everything ready when I got home from work.
Well when I got home, everything was already cleaned. The dishes done, dishwasher going, chicken cooking, bathroom cleaned and counters wiped down. I was shocked! It was such a kind gesture and a load off my day. Seriously, I about cried. I don't think he knows how much I appreciate him.
It's been a good 8 weeks of being married. I'm so happy I have him.
Yep, I said it.
Life is stressful. It's even more stressful if your spouse is. well. one of those unhelpful, uncaring types. (Psh, yeah that's why you don't marry those types right?) It's surprising how people can change once you get married. For me? Carson just got BETTER than he was.
And I mean, he was a pretty good guy (I married him, didn't I?)
And now that we're married, I am more stressed out than I ever have been (excluding when I was going to school with 3 jobs and planning a wedding) but Carson makes me feel like I'm the best ever. And let's face it, I can be a mess sometimes. Ok, fine, a lot of the times.
-I hardly get ready in the morning these days and he makes me feel like I'm the prettiest girl around.
-When I'm super stressed about a test, deadline, getting shoots edited on time, he's massaging my back and asking if he can get me anything.
-He makes my lunch every day and brings it to me at work so I can have it "fresh" instead of in a lunch box sitting for hours.
-He fills up the gas in my car before I go to work if I'm low.
-He never forgets to pray with me before bed, even if he plans on staying up later.
-We're selling his car so I can get a new camera. He'll be driving a scooter soon. Woo!
-He can ALWAYS tell when I'm sad or worried about something. It helps, knowing that he is aware of my slightest mood change, and is wanting to help me through anything.
-He is constantly saying he's glad he married me and that we are together.
Today, we had a couple coming over for "Guess Who's Coming Over to Dinner?" It's something our young married couple ward does. They have people sign up to "attend" or "host" and they mix it all up so neither knows who is coming over or where they're going. It's a good way to meet people in the ward. I had signed us up to host. I had to work until 3, so I had Carson get the chicken in the crock pot earlier. I had told him I could do the rest, and that we'd clean the front rooms and guest bathroom and get everything ready when I got home from work.
Well when I got home, everything was already cleaned. The dishes done, dishwasher going, chicken cooking, bathroom cleaned and counters wiped down. I was shocked! It was such a kind gesture and a load off my day. Seriously, I about cried. I don't think he knows how much I appreciate him.
It's been a good 8 weeks of being married. I'm so happy I have him.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Here I am, eating my blueberry muffin and drinking Naked Orange Mango juice my husband brought to me at work. I also had a grapefruit as well. Eating healthy can be yummy. It's one of my new year's resolutions. That, and working out, keeping the house clean, getting good grades, remaking my photography blog and site...
Yeah.. so far I am just eating healthy.
Both Carson and I are hoping to graduate this year with our associates. Me in the Spring with my Associates in Business, and him in the Summer with his generals. School is tough. It's even tougher when you're a newlywed, new home-owner, photographer, and working full time. That's why I've only gotten to "eating healthy" in my resolutions. Even Carson jumped on the bandwagon and bought wheat bread the other night during a quick run for groceries (we go through milk and bread so fast that grocery shopping becomes a twice-a-week thing). I don't like wheat bread... but he says it's healthy. I wonder if my honey-wheat bagels count as a whole grain? I do like me some bagels.
Anyways, as part of my resolutions, I wanted to get a different look. I grew out my hair as long as I could for my wedding, and now that that's over, it was time for a change! I still don't know if I want to cut the back shorter, but for now, here's a sneeky peeky.
Carson says he likes it. Whew! I was kind of nervous coming home. Lucky for me, he likes that I mix it up and likes me with short hair! I didn't post a color version because... it's a surprise. I'll have more photos up later. I get to meet with a bunch of photographers this weekend so I might have some photos to show off :)
So far, Carson and I are still madly in love. We live a happy life. Thanks for reading :)
Yeah.. so far I am just eating healthy.
Both Carson and I are hoping to graduate this year with our associates. Me in the Spring with my Associates in Business, and him in the Summer with his generals. School is tough. It's even tougher when you're a newlywed, new home-owner, photographer, and working full time. That's why I've only gotten to "eating healthy" in my resolutions. Even Carson jumped on the bandwagon and bought wheat bread the other night during a quick run for groceries (we go through milk and bread so fast that grocery shopping becomes a twice-a-week thing). I don't like wheat bread... but he says it's healthy. I wonder if my honey-wheat bagels count as a whole grain? I do like me some bagels.
Anyways, as part of my resolutions, I wanted to get a different look. I grew out my hair as long as I could for my wedding, and now that that's over, it was time for a change! I still don't know if I want to cut the back shorter, but for now, here's a sneeky peeky.
Carson says he likes it. Whew! I was kind of nervous coming home. Lucky for me, he likes that I mix it up and likes me with short hair! I didn't post a color version because... it's a surprise. I'll have more photos up later. I get to meet with a bunch of photographers this weekend so I might have some photos to show off :)
So far, Carson and I are still madly in love. We live a happy life. Thanks for reading :)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I know, I'm a little late.
It's because I was too busy having a great day that I couldn't blog until now!
I had to work and Carson had school, so we decided for him to open up his present the night before. I got him a game and candy and a cute card :) Carson surprised me with a dozen roses today too :)
Today after work, we went on a Biolife date. How romantic is that? They even let us sit next to each other and he drew funny pictures on his iPad so I wouldn't have to think about the needle in my arm. But hey, blood is red... Valentine's are red... your heart is red... blood comes from your heart...
No? Still gross?
Just sayin' .... it was a good Biolife date.
We have been scrounging on our food the last couple days.. eating Ramen and such... because tonight we splurged and went to Orchid's! My, my... such fantastic food. Supa-fancy. They gave us a rose at the end of the night too.
Carson is so good about noticing and understanding my feelings. Always making sure I'm doing ok and if I'm not, he'll do whatever he can to fix it. All this Valentine's Day stuff is nice and thoughtful, but just knowing he's mine forever and working together with me to make this marriage the greatest is all I need in life.
I know, I'm a little late.
It's because I was too busy having a great day that I couldn't blog until now!
I had to work and Carson had school, so we decided for him to open up his present the night before. I got him a game and candy and a cute card :) Carson surprised me with a dozen roses today too :)
Today after work, we went on a Biolife date. How romantic is that? They even let us sit next to each other and he drew funny pictures on his iPad so I wouldn't have to think about the needle in my arm. But hey, blood is red... Valentine's are red... your heart is red... blood comes from your heart...
No? Still gross?
Just sayin' .... it was a good Biolife date.
We have been scrounging on our food the last couple days.. eating Ramen and such... because tonight we splurged and went to Orchid's! My, my... such fantastic food. Supa-fancy. They gave us a rose at the end of the night too.
Carson is so good about noticing and understanding my feelings. Always making sure I'm doing ok and if I'm not, he'll do whatever he can to fix it. All this Valentine's Day stuff is nice and thoughtful, but just knowing he's mine forever and working together with me to make this marriage the greatest is all I need in life.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
So. Being married!
Is great. It is.
But, dang! It's work!
We've been married just over a month now :) It's been a good month as well. We've gotten the living room of our house pretty much done.. just need to hang some things up still. Carson's office/computer room is coming together too! We finally got him a red futon to go with his bright blue wall. We'll have to post pictures soon... when we have everything put together.
We had a dinner for our friends that helped so much with the wedding and that went really well! I made mashed potatoes for the first time, and also made corn, gravy, salad, rolls, and steak! (Carson made the steak, he's pro). We also had some virgin daiquiris after dinner (which I made, I'm so pro). We played a game of Yahtzee, which Seth won. Beginners luck is all I have to say.
We went to our new ward; the young married couples ward. It's such a great ward too... everyone is so nice and welcoming. I can't wait to go every week! We couldn't go today because Carson was sick :( He has the flu... no fun I tell you! I made him soup tonight though, so he should be gettin' better soon ;)
Today was the Super Bowl! Carson and I went over to my mom's house and had a par-tay! She really went all out on the food and decorations. It made it a whole lot more fun. Carson was feeling a bit better so he was able to eat all the yummy food. I swear I had a million mini cheesecake cups that I gained 5 lbs tonight. About halftime though he was feeling sick again, so we left... We don't have cable at our house, so we found out through the internet who won. GIANTS! We were happy :) I guess back at my mom's house, they were all cheering about the results. They were cheering so loudly that Maggie and Millie started cheering and freaking out but of course they had no clue why haha. It was a lot of fun.
I have too many blogs that I have to keep updated I decided. On my personal blog, I'm doing a 365 day challenge. Each day I take a picture of myself and write about my day and answer 4 of the same questions for each day such as what I was glad I did that day, who I saw, what I wished I would have done and what I was grateful for that day. If you'd like to check it out, here's a link --> click me!
Here's some pics of the party!
So. Being married!
Is great. It is.
But, dang! It's work!
We've been married just over a month now :) It's been a good month as well. We've gotten the living room of our house pretty much done.. just need to hang some things up still. Carson's office/computer room is coming together too! We finally got him a red futon to go with his bright blue wall. We'll have to post pictures soon... when we have everything put together.
We had a dinner for our friends that helped so much with the wedding and that went really well! I made mashed potatoes for the first time, and also made corn, gravy, salad, rolls, and steak! (Carson made the steak, he's pro). We also had some virgin daiquiris after dinner (which I made, I'm so pro). We played a game of Yahtzee, which Seth won. Beginners luck is all I have to say.
We went to our new ward; the young married couples ward. It's such a great ward too... everyone is so nice and welcoming. I can't wait to go every week! We couldn't go today because Carson was sick :( He has the flu... no fun I tell you! I made him soup tonight though, so he should be gettin' better soon ;)
Today was the Super Bowl! Carson and I went over to my mom's house and had a par-tay! She really went all out on the food and decorations. It made it a whole lot more fun. Carson was feeling a bit better so he was able to eat all the yummy food. I swear I had a million mini cheesecake cups that I gained 5 lbs tonight. About halftime though he was feeling sick again, so we left... We don't have cable at our house, so we found out through the internet who won. GIANTS! We were happy :) I guess back at my mom's house, they were all cheering about the results. They were cheering so loudly that Maggie and Millie started cheering and freaking out but of course they had no clue why haha. It was a lot of fun.
I have too many blogs that I have to keep updated I decided. On my personal blog, I'm doing a 365 day challenge. Each day I take a picture of myself and write about my day and answer 4 of the same questions for each day such as what I was glad I did that day, who I saw, what I wished I would have done and what I was grateful for that day. If you'd like to check it out, here's a link --> click me!
Here's some pics of the party!
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Almost 3 months later!
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